65+ Insurance


Understanding insurance can be challenging, but at Your Coverage Advisor, we strive to simplify the process and provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions. Our team of knowledgeable advisors is dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of plan options and find the coverage that suits you best.

Understanding 65+ Health Insurance: The Facts You Need

65+ Health Insurance, the federally managed healthcare insurance program, caters to individuals aged 65 and above and consists of four parts. Here’s what you need to know:

Part A

Hospital stays, rehab, nursing care, and specialized medical services fall under Part A. No premiums required, thanks to tax deductions during your working years. Just note, there’s an annual deductible for hospital admissions, and costs may vary.

Part B

Doctor visits, lab work, medical screenings, and outpatient care are covered by Part B. Costs are associated, but existing medical plans or family insurance might cover you. Don’t dawdle on enrollment; it could lead to higher premiums. Prepare for an annual deductible and a 20% coinsurance for healthcare visits and outpatient services.

Part C

Part C combines the benefits of Parts A and B. Provided by private insurance companies, it might include Part D prescription drug coverage. To be enrolled, you must be enrolled in both Parts A and B.

Part D

Part D focuses on prescription drug coverage and can be obtained through private insurance companies. Premiums and out-of-pocket expenses vary based on the chosen plan. Copayments, a percentage of the drug cost, or an annual deductible may be included

dana headshot

Dana Goldsmith

Owner & Licensed Agent

Navigating Enrollment

Enrollment for 65+ insurance kicks off about six months after you apply for benefits through the Social Security Administration or Railroad Retirement Board. The precise start date hinges on your Initial Enrollment Period and when you completed your 65+ Insurance  application. Worried about meeting deadlines and avoiding coverage gaps? Count on our team for detailed information on the enrollment process. We’ve got your back.

65+ Insurance's Limitations Unveiled

65+ Insurance  covers the essentials, but it’s vital to grasp what Parts A and B don’t include. Brace yourself for the exclusions: prescriptions, most dental care, dentures, acupuncture, long-term care, extended hospital stays, routine foot care, hearing aids, hearing exams, routine eye examinations for glasses prescriptions, and cosmetic surgery. Seeking a solution? Consider 65+ Insurance Advantage or 65+ Insurance Supplement plans to bolster your Original 65+ Insurance coverage and address these needs.

Claim Your Personalized Consultation

At Your Coverage Advisor, we live and breathe comprehensive 65+ Insurance  solutions tailored specifically to you. Our dedicated team stands ready to steer you through the intricacies of 65+ Insurance  and empower you to make informed decisions. Don’t hesitate—schedule a personalized consultation today and let us assist you in uncovering the 65+ Insurance  coverage that grants you peace of mind and security.